2021 Newsletter
The current season will soon draw to a close which will mean its time to start thinking about renewing your membership so with that in mind renewals for the 2021 to 2022 season will be available from the 1st of March 2021 and an email will be sent to all via the notification centre through club mate it will be posted on the NAA MEMBERS PAGE on Facebook and also on the website so every possible avenue will be covered so no member misses the information.
Moving on from renewals I think we can all agree the last year has been a test for us all what with COVID 19 and all the lockdown restrictions we have had to endure its been a tough year.
With that in mind I’m sure you will be aware with all the lockdown restrictions the committee have been unable to meet however this hasn’t stopped us from moving forward with some of the planned projects they are not all complete however we have plans going forward and the money is sat waiting to be spent as and when other works are able to be carried out.
First off after much discussion and following the efforts of several of our members the committee agreed that we needed to invest more funds into shipbrook lakes. A plan was made and we brought in a company called aquatic solutions to address the weed. After 3 days in the main lake and to the tune of nearly £4000 the amphibious vehicle removed ton upon ton of weed leaving the big lake fish able again. The removal of the weed is only the beginning for the big lake we have a strategy going forward and we are applying blackout Dye on a regular basis in order to keep the weed at bay there is still much work to carry out down at shipbrook in order to restore it to its former glory however I think we can agree what has been done so far is a step in the right direction and we are excited for the future of shipbrook lakes.
Next on the list is Big Billinge as you will be aware for a while now we have Been discussing options with regards otter fencing big Billinge. I can now confirm we have put aside £36.000 to complete the work and a company called sudden strike will soon start this work. It’s looking likely it will begin sometime at the beginning of March. Again it’s been a while in the making but we are there now and as a committee we will be discussing options going forward to have all the lakes we own protected in the future again a positive step in the right direction I’m sure you will agree.
Next is Eyre’s pit, we have an ongoing issue with regards to flooding at Eyres we have a plan in place and we have secured £6000 from the EA towards this venue that with the £4000 we are putting up aswell gives a very large budget in order to complete the drain work and give the venue a much needed make over. Work will commence in the near future and again exciting times a head for Eyre’s pit we can’t wait to see the transformation.
Aswell as the above we are investing more funds into the membership and we are currently having some new maps created which will make it a lot easier for existing and new members to locate our waters.
We also spent £2500 on carp for big Billinge and will be looking at stocking shipbrook lakes with silvers in due course.
As you can see above the club is investing your membership fees back into the club and will continue to look at where we can keep investing to make improvements going forward.
As we are all aware 2020 was a tough year for all with regards to Covid 19 and all the lock downs and restrictions put it place. Not being able to meet to discuss matters arising was difficult but as you can see we have worked hard behind the scenes in order to keep things moving along
The start of the 20 to 21 season saw the introduction of club mate and a new website. In the beginning it may not have been to everybody’s taste however the transition into the new system has gone really well. The new website is great and easy to use it has lightened the load from a committee prospective which has meant we have more time discussing ways to improve the club further going forward. Which brings me back to renewing your membership. By now everyone in the system should have received a renewal email the process I think you will find is a lot more straight forward this time as you will not need to input your details or upload a photo it will be a case of logging into your account selecting your membership and confirming your payment as easy as that so go ahead get renewing.
Lastly but most importantly many of you will remember Christine Jones and many of you will not have had the pleasure of ever meeting her.
Christine Jones was a long time member of the club and committee who sadly past away to cancer in the later part of 2019. A huge loss to the club and of course to her family also.
It was decided that to remember Christine for who she was and for all the hard work she put into NAA we would have a memorial made for her which would take pride and place at her favourite venue Big Billinge.
The memorial has Been calved and put together and is currently waiting to take its rightful place at big Billinge just as soon as the otter fence is completed and hopefully sooner rather than later.
We are not out of the woods yet with Covid 19 still being present in all our lives but rest assured the committee will continue working behind the scenes as we have over the current season.
We would like to thank all of our members for your continued support and look forward to seeing you out fishing in the new season.
Good luck to all and tight lines
Management Committee.